(Previous Topic: Adding Job Classes)

Employee Name Conventions

The employee name, as defined in the BackOffice is assumed to be either in the formal format ( <LastName>, <FirstName> <MI.> ) or in the full name format (<FirstName> <MI.> <LastName>).

The <LastName> and <FirstName> could be multiple words but the interface (POSQBi) only accepts the middle initial. If the complete middle name is provided, it will be treated as part of <FirstName>.

If you really have to change it, the modifications have to be done in the QuickBooks user interface while making sure to keep the name-based relationship (link) not broken.

The following is an example of how the interface (POSQBi), given a sample set of name, is going to break the name into parts to be sent to QuickBooks:

Mike A. Rotolo or Rotolo, Mike A.

Mike Eugene A. Rotolo or Rotolo, Mike Eugene A.

Mike Miguel Rotolo or Rotolo, Mike Eugene

Note: The following employee related fields in QuickBooks 2011 are not supported by QuickBooks SDK 2.0:


(Next Topic: Configuring Sales Data)